Repair and Overhaul Options to Save You Time and Money
Certified FAA Repair Stations
Our repair team is available to arrange repair or overhaul of your components at very reasonable prices and with rapid response and turn times.
Our design and manufacturing facilities (BD2R712A in Oklahoma and KP7R699J in CO), have been certified repair stations by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). We have the capability to repair and overhaul many of the items we manufacture for our line of STC air conditioning and heating systems.
We also provide MRO services in support of our OEM customers comprised of the world’s largest aircraft and helicopter manufacturers such as Textron Aviation Services, Sikorsky Global Helicopters, Bombardier Learjet, Airbus Helicopters and Pilatus Aircraft.

The Repair Station Team
Our repair station team consists of logistics, customer service, technicians, quality and management personnel.

Customer Service
The customer service members ensure that all customer requests are handled in a timely and satisfactory manner.

All Part 145 Repair station logistics staff are an integral part of the repair station. They ensure that customer material is received with proper documents, parts for repairs are ordered in time to meet promised ship dates, and that parts are pulled for the repairs in time for technicians to perform the repairs to meet promised ship dates.

All Part 145 repair station technicians, quality assurance and management members complete FAA-approved aviation training in areas such as Human Factors, Situational Awareness, Suspect Unapproved Parts, the Repair Station Manual, and other courses as needed for their positions in order to enhance the overall level of quality we deliver to customers.